Our Team consists of certified educators – who joined this company because of its goals and objectives that matched with theirs and what they want to continue doing with their lives. They joined the company based on the principles that all children can learn given sufficient time and resources, and a company that is absolutely committed to helping those in the most need, succeed.
Amyra’s tutors are veteran certified educators honoring a lifelong commitment to helping students achieve their maximum potential. These caring individuals pass annual criminal background checks and drug testing. Their official role is to teach students how to unlock information to maximize learning, identify individual strengths and weaknesses, teach study skills to maximize learning through the tutorial period and long afterward, encourage students to stay focused, support students as they unlock learning blocks, and prepare students for college and careers.
Our providers clearly demonstrate that the welfare of your students is of primary importance. Amyra’s assessment-based tutorial program systematically emphasizes academic improvement. Privacy and confidentiality are assured.
Collectively, the Amyra team brings over three hundred years of experience to your school. Their calling enhances their lives. Their purpose in serving provides a far greater reward than any paycheck. They gladly share their experience, expertise, and undying desire to move your students and your school to the forefront through a positive learning experience.
With a little bit of extra help, our children can achieve twice as much.

Dr. Barbara Culp

Award-Winning Author and Founder, Dr. Barbara D. Culp’s wealth of experience in the academic realm spans over 40 years. Hard work and proven successes propelled her from her initial years as a preschool teacher to teaching at the elementary and middle school levels. When her work ethic caught the attention of the area superintendent, she was promoted to principal of the largest elementary school in the system, a position that lasted 18 years. Many of her students went on to college and today hold lucrative professional positions.
Later she worked as a college adjunct. After additional time as an educational administrator, she partially retired and became assistant principal in an alternative school. Her work as a resource consultant at a Montessori School and as a Resource Coordinator for Sunshine House, a Southern chain of daycare centers, added meaning to her life. It also built additional practical methods into her repertoire, and her career trajectory provides insight into both sides of the learning spectrum. Dr. Culp knows exactly what is needed to help students cross the finish line with pride.
Currently she is the President of her educational company and also a Clinical Supervisor for Brenau University’s School of Education. She supervises pre-service teachers during their field experience, student teaching, and/or internships. In addition to keeping her abreast of current trends, the position provides continuous interaction with bright, innovative minds. She is coauthoring a book on differentiated instruction to help teachers match the different learning styles and needs of individual students in the classroom setting.